Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blog 10

In Animals and Why They Matter, Mary Midgley conceded that there is a point where conflict between Human Beings and animals is unavoidable as opposed to Kohak she believes eating meat is wrong. It seems more realistic for her to acknowledge that eating meat is an acceptable behavoir; however, it seems to her that animals should only be killed "if only by starvation- by people who mean to survive". She does continue to clarify that while compitition may give a liscence to kill, it does not give a license "for what may be called refinements of the process", for any animal killed for competitive reason or necessary meat should not be left half dead while those in wait finish their coffee. This is not different thatn Kohak's deep distaste for factory farming. The animals in these farms should kept in reasonable conditions and not forced to live in deplorable conditions waiting to be raped of their milk eggs or even their lives. Between the two I did see similarity between the attitudes of equality when it comes to animals, but again Midgely is a little more realistic when it comes to the idea. Human kind will never be able to accept that things like ameoba are just as valuable to earth as a person and as she said it could be rightfully so. I think she makes a valuable point whenit comes to the way we treat our environment, aimlessly tossing pesticides into trying to eliminate the need for compition when in reality it destroys environments and increases the rates of compitition.

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