Monday, December 20, 2010

A Forgotten Constant

I think it's a shame that the humanities leaves out human interaction and relationship with nature. We become who we are and develop as we do as a consequence of our natural environment. Human development and progress are inextricably linked, I think. But maybe that's the problem. Maybe our dependencies, reliance and interactions with nature are so permeable, so overarching, that they are forgotten -rather, not taken as a given, but regarded as a constant to be ignored... which may not be so constant.

And now, a lamentation of sorts in the words of Thoreau:

Here is this vast, savage, howling mother of ours,
Nature, lying all around, with such beauty, and such affection for her children,
as the leopard; and yet we are so early weaned
from her breast to society, to that culture which is exclusively
an interaction of man to man.