Monday, April 25, 2011

blog 7 - kestrel's eye

Overall I thought that this movie was very different. It was very interesting to see a movie without any dialect between people. This opens your mind and challenges you to think in a different way. Watching this movie, it has occurred to me that birds (animals) are the same as humans. They find a mate, create a family, and provide for that family. We just do those things in different ways than birds or animals.

It's also very neat to see the world from a birds prospective. They see the things that we do if its polluting or cutting the grass. It also makes you realize how innocent animals are. Sure some of them hurt us, but they don't realize what they are doing. They are just eating or were scarred of us. This movie definently makes you think a lot about things like that. When we pollute this world with our car emissions or our oil leaks, we effect the lives of these innocent beings. We are the guilty ones and need to change the ways that we are doing things in this world.

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