Thursday, April 14, 2011

blog 6

The main part that I want to focus on in this section of the book is lifeboat ethics. This is a very important idea that we as humans need to take seriously. Lifeboat ethics refers to the problems that we as humans create in the environment. All of the humans are responsible for the negative impact we put on this world. The population is growing out of control to fast. In lifeboat ethics there are three basic options: We can attempt to save everyone which is impossible, therefore we will die, we can attempt to save some people, or we can attempt to save no one and move on. Many people would think that the first option is the most desirable. However, if you were actually put in that position, would you risk your own life to save others? Our basic animal instinct is to survive. Do whatever you can to survive. Today we live in a world that is denies most of our animal instincts, but there are still times when it comes out.

A great example of this would be the Titanic. Towards the end of the movie, all the rich people are in life boats while the others are freezing to death ion the water. They have to watch all the people die. That is our animal instinct: To do what is necessary to survive. As humans we create all sorts of emissions and other problems that our world has to face. We need to fix them or we will all have to face them at some point!

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