Thursday, January 22, 2009

In Class Movie

Today the movie we watched in class was very interesting. While watching people and other things from a bird's eye view was very unique and something that I have never experienced, the end of the movie with the baby birds was the most interesting. After the bird fed the baby birds that were already hatched, it broke another egg open and carried it out by its foot. While I know the bird was trying to protect its baby, it just seemed as though it was being very rough with it. This is one way in which people are very unlike animals and a way in which people do not understand animals. Most animals are rough with their young and this is just the way in which they survive. People on the other hand are very careful with their children. I personally think this is one reason why people don't particularly think of animals as equal or even a bit important. Even though animals are rough with their young, they are trying to protect them and let them grow well, people have a hard time understanding how they can do this.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that the movie did provide an interesting perspective on the life of Birds and in particular the birthing process of them. However, I disagree that animals are rough with their young. The act of the Mother Kestrel removing her baby from the egg illustrates that she cares for her young. The Mother Kestrel's actions show that she cares for her young and knows instinctively how to care for them. Her ability to care for the new born Kestrel exemplifies that animals are able to show compassion and have human characteristics. I think that the animal only appears rough with the young because humans do not know how to take care of a new born bird. The act of the Mother Kestrel picking up the newborn Kestrel is just like a Mother Human picking up a newborn child to give it a bath.
