Thursday, January 15, 2009

Ecological Ethics and Global Warming

The Green Halo contained pages that included the fact that people created global warming and are not taking responsibility for their actions. It also says that Americans are not willing to decrease their level of consumption, even though it is at its highest ever. I agree with this statement. People today are too comfortable with their lifestyles and technologies that make life so easy. I myself can be charged of this. Recycling is such an easy task, but for some reason it is not done in ever household in America. Although in some states it is not free, but in Ohio (where I am from), it is. For this reason, it should be done. Plastic does not disintegrate so millions of plastic bottles and other objects will sit in land fills forever and trash will keep piling up until people decided to change their ways.
This action is easier said then done however. It will take a lot of effort to have all of America to recycle. I myself am guilty of not always recycling and I should take the effort of doing it. If everyone would take a small effort in doing something to help the Earth, our world would be a lot cleaner and global warming my start to slow down again.


  1. I agree with the fact that people are not taking responsibilty for their actions. Global warming is becoming a huge issue and there are little steps that each person can take to help the environment. It could be as simple as instead of throwing away plastic in a normal garbage can, put it in the recycling bin right next to it. I found on a website that if we recycled our sunday newspapers, 500,000 trees would be saved every week. With that being said, if people would pitch in and do their share, it would greatly help out our environment.

  2. While I agree that people (especially Americans) havent been taking care of our enviornment in recent years. One particular problem has to do with our use of gasoline and the pollution that vehicles create. However I feel that while people want to jump on the green hybrid cars bandwagon there is a severe conflict of interests as the availability of hydrogen and other hybrid cars becomes available at a premium price. In the current economy going green will take a backseat to saving money.

  3. I one hundred percent agree with statement that people are not taking responsibility for their actions. I think people today are just to comfortable with their lifestyles and we are not willing to change, even though we understand the consequences. In the book the Green Halo the author brought up a good point about human population growth. It brought up the issue that even the simplest action such as fishing can destroy species of fish if billions of people do it. Because we are use to a certain lifestyle and there are so many of us we are using up resources faster than nature can replenish itself.

  4. The point about human population growth is very valid. The statistic that 20% of the world's population uses up 80% of its resources is a testament to this idea. Let's face it, not everyone in the world can live like Americans. It just isn't possible. We don't live sustainably -which kind of makes you question, who gives us the right to consume so much more than everyone else. Just because we can (and really, can we?) doesn't mean we should. It seems that the rest of the world population should get some say in the way resources are used (and they don't).
    Oh, and by the way, recycling services are not free if you don't live in the city of Cincinnati, proper. I pay about $35 a year for weekly recycling pickup.
