Thursday, April 16, 2009

Animals and the Economy

I recently saw a short documentary about the rising issues  dealing with the increase abandonment of animals due to economic hardships.  With homes being fore closed more people have to give up their pets because they do have the resources to care for them or the places they are moving will not accept pets.  This has lead to an increase of population for shelters which are having trouble founding the shelters because the economy has also lead to a decrease in donations.  I think the clip illustrates the point that animals and humans do live a mixed community and what effects the human world also effects the animal world.  I also find it almost a contrast with the story of Nathan because the poor man cherished his pet.  It is almost a sad fact that modern humans are quick to give up pets.  Now some of the families do experience grief and it is sad they have to make the choice but the fact that animals can be quickly desposed of shows a human distance for animals.  This a link to the clip if you would like to watch it.  If it doesn't work go to and it is under subprime pets.


  1. It seems that there are two types of pet owners: those who own animals as "pets" and those who adopt animals to become part of the family.

  2. People need to realize it is a huge responsiblity owning a pet."Owning" a pet means you have a obligation to that animal. That obligation is of course to make sure the animal is well taken care of. People may not understand the amount of money an animal might cost, but that gives them no right to abandon/forfeit the creature. The animal didn't choose the people.

  3. This is a really interesting post. I have never thought about this, but I do feel it is a very important issue to look at. I love animals very much and I do feel that they are directly influenced by the human world. With the economy the way that it is, not only people are being affected, animals are being affected too. Families that just give up pets and let them suffer, are wrong. I feel like this is a wrong situation. If people have taken on the responsibility of owning of pet, they should keep that responsibility and keep their animal safe. I agree that there are also two types of people: people who have "pets" and people who make animals part of their family. I am one of those people who make animals part of their family. I love my dog and I would not put it out on the street if I could not afford it. I would find a way to make things work. People are making more a problem on top of all the other problems that the economy is causing right now by putting their pets on the street.
