Monday, May 4, 2009

Flannel Ecology

Flannel ecology is the idea that we should roll up our sleeves and do some down to earth work that everyone can do. This type of ecology thinks that the least amount of damage to nature the better and that striving for perfection is not what is best. Striving for perfect ecology is impossible and unrealistic because we can never make such a dramatic change to our lives. I think flannel ecology could really work as long as everyone put in a conscious effort to try to change things. People also need to realize that we cannot continue to live the way we do now. We all need to make sacrifices and do a little work if we want things to change. I know that not all of us care about the environment and animals, but to those people I ask, "What are we going to eat when all the plants and animals we eat are gone?" The future of the human race as well as all life on earth depends on us humans trying to counteract the damage we have already done before it's entirely too late. I think that there is a lot of damage that we as humans have caused that is not able to be reversed or fixed, but even it seems impossible, there is no harm in trying. Sometimes even the smallest amount of effort can make a difference. That is what flannel ecology is about. Everyone just needs to pitch in and stop being selfish, and each person can have their own specific role that fits them. Flannel ecology also involves some other ideas from other ideas and types of ecology. This philosophy can also be seen in the practice because people from all over and from all different types of backgrounds can contribute in their own way.


  1. I think this idea is smart. I also believe that it should pertain to more than just our environment and how we treat it as well as its beings. If our species as a whole used this idea in their everyday lives I feel the world would be more satisfactory as a whole.

  2. I also agree with this. We undoutebly as humans have caused many of the problems we face today for exapmple global warming and the high levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. If we are to change and help fix these problems we need to change the ways we think and live. One such way would be to adapt some of these flannel ecology techniques and theories into our own lives. To do this would not only help the planet but also help fix problems we are going to face in the near future.

  3. One of the reasons flannel ecology is so feasible is that it looks at the issue of “saving the world” from a realistic point of view. There are no delusions of grandeur that involve the entire human race changing their behavior and completely abandoning their current mental processes. It asks for simple changes that our species often displays a natural tendency or thought toward, even though it is not often acted upon because of society pressures. It’s the kind of ecology that we can really sink our teeth into and make realistic and immediate changes. I like that it emphasizes doing what we can and accepting that we cannot repair all of the damage, but we can improve things. Maybe we can improve it just enough and maintain our way of life just long enough to develop different ways of living. If this course has led me to any conclusion, it is that nature as our ancestor knew it is gone. Irreparable changes have occurred that make going back impossible. However, I don’t think that this is totally bad. It is undeniably regrettable that our way of life has ended others and completely wiped out entire species, but I am sure the world will continue to change and we will adapt with it. Nothing can stay the same and survive. Humans must adapt and animals must adapt with us. I don’t know if it is “right” or moral to treat animals as we often do in experiments and such, but the reality is that we do. If we make an effort to protect life, all life, that includes these “new” animals and all the steps in-between.
