Monday, February 9, 2009


I thought it was interesting what Kohak said about Americans having the affluenza epidemic. Our society tends to overconsume with everything we do. As Kohak said, we think we have a moral duty to accumulate and consume ever more material goods. Many Americans think they need to keep with their neighbors by having more and bigger and flashier than they have. We judge each other by what we have, not by who we are, which is a major problem. Our needs are being replaced by our greed. We are not just satisfying our needs as the previous human perceptions did. We are going above and beyond that by shifting to consumerism. I am guilty of this, as well. I fulfill my basic needs, but I like to have other things that are not of necessity, such as nicer clothes, more "things", bigger car, etc. We see the world and nature as a means as raw materials to satisfy everything that we want, not need. We would rather have more than enough. In our soceity today, we have a problem realizing what is enough. We always think we never have enough, which leads to the society of overconsumption. People need to start looking at the consequences of our actions and how we are hurting the environment around us. We are using up many of our resources that we can never get back. Eventually, there may not be many resources left. Instead of consuming everything, we should think of ways to get these resources back. We need to take into consideration nature and how we are destroying it. Most Americans have more than enough, and we need to stop being so wasteful and overconsuming resources.

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