Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The Question of Ecological Strategies section questions how evil comes into the world, the problem with the world today is we are so into technology and other materialistic objects that nothing else matters. I agree with Leopold's statement "The world is good but some parts of it are defective." (p.106). Some people are good, nature is good (even though not everyone thinks about that aspect too much), but there are also defects like people and factories who are polluting nature.

I think that Naess' view is very interesting. I don't agree how he releases all people who does not agree with all of his individual views, and how he sees their efforts as "shallow". His view on deep ecology rather than shallow ecology has many different circumstances in which I agree with many of his views such as,"Everything is linked with everything." (p.111) and many other conditions that Naess believed in. I can still say that I believe more in what Leopold believes because I really agree with his statement, "yet life is not about cruelty to the other but about rejoicing in living." (p.114). I think we should all follow this statement and not be cruel to others and enjoy life. It goes back to the saying "Treat others how you want to be treated" if everyone did that everyone would probably be a lot friendlier, and there would be less evil in the world.

As I mentioned above that I do believe some things that Leopold said I can also disagree based on what we talked about in class yesterday. When we talked about his view, "Thinking like a mountain," I do not think that is possible because I do not believe a mountain actually thinks. Things that are on the mountain think like animals, but I think that thinking like a mountain is impossible. Lastly, when we talked about the Lifeboat Ethics which Garret Hardin believed I think I would be in the category of Take on all passengers. Even if I knew we were all going to die, I would still try because I wouldn't want to leave anyone behind, I just couldn't, I care to much about people so I don't think i could ever Save the most possible.

The section that was just read recently, opened up many new views that I have not thought about before. The idea of evil, shallow, and deep ecology are definitely things that have never crossed my mind until now but I find some of Naess' views very interesting.

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