This documentary was like nothing I have ever seen before. It showed the lives of birds and what they do every single day. It was very interesting to me because I was always curious to what birds and other animals do everyday? It turns out that they do a lot of hunting for food during the day to stay alive. Bird's like all animals, need to go get food for themselves to survive and this documentary showed how they catch their pray.
I got to see a lot of things that I would never expect. This included newborn chicks hatching, birds feeding their chicks, and them searching for food. It really was a birds eye view of what happens in their lives everyday, which made the documentary that we watched just so interesting and amazing.
With that said, this documentary became a little boring because there was no narration to what was going on in the documentary. I liked the camera angles that they showed the birds in and I still am amazed on how the camera men shot some of this footage. It was a very interesting documentary and I enjoyed watching it.
Do you think it became a little "boring" without narration, because it required you to make yourself think more like a bird, rather than making the bird's activities humanlike/make sense to humans? What I'm getting at is, do we lose interest when we can't anthropomorphize? Why do we always try to make the animals more like us, rather than make ourselves more like the animals?