In this movie there was anthropomorphism throughout. The entire movie was centered around the human-like qualities and behaviors that the animlas possessed, from their talking to the expression of vivid emotions. These human-like qualities allowed the veiwers of the film to relate to the animals and connect with them on a emotional level. We were able to feel their pain and their anger when they were mistreated, and we were able to feel a sense of hope for the animals as things began to turn around. This film was different from what seems to be the common perception of animals. The animals in the film were able to act as rational beings making decisions and understanding what was right and wrong. They possessed language and emotions as well as the ability to "out smart" the humans in some cases. This presented them as actual beings rather than "machines". These qualities strongly support the anthropocentric view and place the animals on the same level as the humans.
The main character, a pig named Babe, was the "underdog" that was able to rise above and lead the group of various animals. A pig is often not an animal that one thinks of to portray any heroic qualities. But, through out the film, the treatment of Babe and the series of unfortunate events that take place, allowed the viewers to feel a sense of pity for the animals. This pity, and the movie's strong anthropomorphism often made me forget that the animals were the main characters. At some points of the movie, it even made me think of the humans as the bad guys. I thought this portrayal was very interesting to get the point across of showing the animal point of view, and by giving the animals the human qualities, it was easier to sypathize and think of them as "little people in fur coats". Situations, like when the humans walked into the hotel and saw the animals all throughout it, I thought of what I would think in that position. Of course my first reaction would be shock and the desire to get all of the animals out, because thay do not beliong there. But, then when you think of the animals perspective, with nowhere else to go, it made me feel bad for them and want to help them, as the hotel owner did.
This movie was a good one to show the different sides of the treatment of animals. It showed the good, like the farm, and the bad, like the city. I think it allowed the viewers to understand an animal's perspective and hopefully think twice before acting as though animals are just pests.
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