This film was very interesting to me, and originally I did not know what to expect. All I could think about was how a man spent 13 summers with grizzly bears. To me that is insane. When I hear of a grizzly bear, I don't think of it as a friendly animal, it's more of an animal that I would be afraid of. So for Tim Treadwell to somehow tame them the way he did was very impressive. I would be very concerned about the bear turning on me. We ourselves are not animals, and although we may believe that we know what they are thinking, sometimes we really don't have an idea.
Tim could not really socialize with the animals even though he talked to them, some parts of the video I thought were silly. Granted we name our animals at home, like our dogs and cats, but to become so attached to grizzly bears and name them I think it's crazy. Names that he gave the bear and foxes such as "Mr. Chocolate, Spirit, and Ghost," I thought I was odd that he actually had names for them. He seems very hard to read because I'm not quite sure what his intention of actually living with the bears was.
Overall, I thought this video/documentary was good and interesting, but I do not know how Tim and his girlfriend lived there for 13 summers. I hate to say it but eventually you would think that they would come across the wrong bear that could not be tamed, and I would actually expect them to get eaten by a bear. It is not common that someone just goes and lives with bears. I believe that Tim overstepped his boundaries and should have left the bears and their habitat alone.
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