In the section Meat or Mercy? it starts talking about how there are three possible responses to how humans feel about animals. The first one talking about how people can refuse all limitations, that animal suffering is necessary and natural. These people are the one that believe that humans are the lord of nature, and that nothing under us really matters. They believe that we need to take care of our needs before animals. Next, is equality of humans and animals, people refuse all compromise. It said "animals may be different, but they are basically equal." (Kohak,30) People that believe this would not participate in any kind of harm to animals. This is what Peter Singer believes. Last, is to seek compromise, to identify real humans needs. These people may not be vegetarians, but do not believe in harming animals for unecassary reasons.
I agree with the last response. I am not a vegetarian and reading all of this wont change my ways of eating, but I do not agree with animal cruelty. We should only experiment on animals if it is a nesessity. I do believe that we are superior to animals, we have souls and they do not.
Peter Singer proves a point when he says "if we were to attribute to humans superiority in some sense, would that mean that they can treat "inferior" being inconsiderately?" (Kohak, 33) We should never treat others differently even if we have better jobs, family, of lifestyle than they do. Singer is trying to compare that we do not treat others in that kind of manner then we should not treat animals that way either. This can be a debate, because some people do believe that humans are superior to animals, which I do believe.
With all of this being said, Singer and Kohak had me really think about the questoin would I ever want to be treated like this by another human being? Would I want to go be experimented on like animals do? My answer would be "NO!" It has me really thinking about the way I feel on this certain topic.
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