A man has recently been arrested for slapping another man across the face with... -get this- a four foot python in a motel. Now, how he got the snake into the motel I'm not sure I care to know, but I'd like to know which it was, so that I might make note not to stay there.
The two men had apparently gotten into a fight over loud music at the motel in Rock Hill, South Carolina. They'd argued and the victim of the snake slap says he thought the dispute was over, but a few hours later, as he was standing on the balcony, he was tapped on the shoulder and told to "hey, look at this." The man then claims that the snake's mouth was open and it had tried to crawl into his mouth (because that's just where a snake would want to go, right? And if he thought this, he could have just kept his mouth shut, you know). The owner of the snake was charged with assault and arrested that night. The other man peed his pants and had to crawl back to his room.
Poor snake.
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