This project shows how different aspects of nature have changed. The first picture in each series shows how the earth used to be before humans made their impact on it. This is what I consider the real nature. This shows how nature used to be so magical, gorgeous, and pure. In almost all of the series there is a middle picture. This picture shows what nature looks like with a small human impact. In these pictures, the real nature can still be seen, but there is obviously an artificial human influence that has altered nature. In some cases, these artificial and somewhat small impacts resemble aspects of the real nature. The last pictures in the series show how big of change humans have made on nature. In many of these pictures, it is very difficult to see where the real nature exists anymore. In these pictures, the real nature does not even exist or is a very minute spots in our artificial structures. Many of these pictures also show how we have tried to resemble parts of nature with our constructions. For example, there is a two picture series that shows how the highway roads we have created that look like tangled messes resemble the rivers that nature has created itself.
The main purpose of this project was to show how big of an impact human progress has made. Such progress has slowly been causing nature to disappear as more and more artificial structures take over. I found it very interesting how I could find similar pictures with different levels of human impact in them. What I hope people can take from this is to realize that we need a drastic change if we still want to have the real nature as a part of this world.
I really like the juxtaposition of the natural landscape with the human landscape, and how humans have mimicked nature in many instances. Reminds me a bit of Koianiskatsi. Good work!