Sunday, April 12, 2009

Plague Dogs

I agree with what some other people wrote about not being completely against animal testing. It has led to so many advances in medicine. In one of my classes we had to read about some of the early disease discoveries and how medication was made for these illnesses. Animal testing was heavily relied upon then as well and it was done in some of the cruelest ways. I think that for animal testing need to be done but it needs to be very controlled, just like anything else that could potentially cause harm. However, this leads to the question as to who controls it, which animals are included in these standards and so on. Unfortunately, there will be companies that always mistreat animals when they test on them. Plague Dogs was a good eye opener for people to see what having no control over the situation could lead to.


  1. After watching the movie Plague Dogs, I feel bad about how animals are being mistreated in laboratories across the world, but i still do think that animal testing is necessary. To me, it seems more logical for a dogs hair to fall out or fade in color due to the application of some type of product rather than to see the same results in a small child or an elderly person. Animals are doing humans a huge service (probably against their will) by serving as test patients in medical hlaboratories and other testing facilities. Testing is beneficial, but it should be regulated to a certain point. Mistreating the animals like making them swim for their live like in the movie is beyond wrong and should nt be tolerated.

  2. I agree that animal testing has provided many advances in science and medicine and that some take it too far. Some tests seem utterly without reason besides pure curiosity like Koko. Plague Dogs provided a good scenario for a worthless test, such as what they were doing to Rowf. In other words, animal testing should not be written off, but it should be regulated.

  3. I agree that animal testing has been useful in many tests that are beneficial to us, but I also think, as many others have pointed out, that some animal research is simply cruel. I believe that Plague Dogs does attempt to show this utter cruelty and pointlessness; however, I think that Plague Dogs is problematic in its portrayal of animal experimentation because it portrays the issue as black and white. In the film, the scientist are dehumanized and given no characterization. Furthermore, the experiments go unexplained and are revealed to be incredibly shady. They may be experimenting with something akin to the bubonic plague and enlist the army to kill their specimens. Most animal experimentation is not this shady. Although animal experimentation can be cruel, I have doubts that it is accurately portrayed in the film. I think that the film/novel used extreme black and white examples to ensure that the agenda against animal experimentation was clear for the viewers.
