Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kestrel Movie

I wonder if anyone else thought it was weird to see people walking down the street, working on a house, or just jogging down a country lane from an animals perpective. After watching that movie, I thought to myself how forgein human beings must be to the rest of the animal kingdom. the Kestrels went about their business because that was what was needed to survive. They had to hunt, protect their nest, and nuture their offspring just as we humans do but they never flew off into the sky for the fun of it. I think we need to realize how good we have it now. technology has helped us come a long way from the dark ages i think we'd all agree but technology also needs to be used responsibly. Just because we can drive doesn't always mean we should if you catch my drift. I just hope all these advances in technology dont make us lazy or take little things like drving for granted because if we do we will end up back in the dark ages. Responsible use of energy and resources will help us maintain this pretty much care free world we live in. If you're hungry, there's a grocery store with prepackaged food. If you're cold, there is a building with heat inside. if you want to go somewhere, there's a car or a bus that will take you. But once all of these things disappear you can be sure life wont be so easy. Who else that that bell was annoying...wonder how the kestrels felt about that??


  1. I agree with Kevin! I, also, thought it was strange to watch the people do their everyday things through the eyes of the Kestrels. After watching that movie, I came to the conclusion that the Kestrel lived a simple life. The birds were simply doing what they needed to be done to survive, such as hunting for food. The Kestrels did not take off and leave the other one behind just because it wanted to have fun. The bids made sure that all their essential needs were met at all times. As we look at the humans from the bird’s eye-view, we see a different world. The humans seem to put fun and leisure time before others and their essential needs. Throughout the movie, I saw the humans riding bikes, marching in the street, playing ball, raking the graves sites, and walking a dog. It seems that the humans took everything for granted and did not take responsibility for the world around them. I am not saying its bad to ride bikes or play ball, but it is a totally different world compared to the Kestrel. The humans lives were not as simple and more complex than the Kestrel.

  2. I agree that people must seem very odd to the rest of the animal kingdom. We do a really good job of separating ourselves from the rest of the natural world. Think about some of our cities, and even the houses we live in, trying our best to keep the outside out. Probably detrimental in a way, because I'm sure many of us couldn't stand a week out in the wilderness. It's also kind of sad. Some people go their whole lives not seeing themselves as part of nature, but rather, see nature as some separate entity entirely. Personally, I always feel better when I get out in the woods. It makes me feel like I'm in the "real world" because human society isn't the "real world" (no matter how many people swear it is). I don't think it's healthy to estrange oneself from the outdoors, because, really, is a steril office building or home a human's "natural habitat"? Maybe we wouldn't have so many psychological issuesif we spent more time where we, as animals, belong... but that's just me.

  3. I agree. If you think about it, it really wasn't too long ago when people didn't have computers, telephones, cars, microwaves, air conditioning. Nature, long ago was what people survived on. Having a garden for food, hand writing a letter, walking to where you needed to go, swimming in a lake to cool off instead of sitting inside in the air conditioning. Now it is as if we have to "fit" nature in to our busy schedules. It is amazing on one hand how advanced we as a society have become. It is easy to go without human contact or be outdoors for long peridos at a time because of the things computers and cellphones can now do for us. On the other hand it is really sad because there is so much in the world to see that just "is" and many people dont realize that because technology has gotten in the way. Even though we cannot go back to the days without such advancements, it is helpful to think about how our enviornment and nature has helped so many generations survive and thrive. How can we not do something to save and protect it from being ruined?

  4. What do you mean we can't go back to the days before technological advancements? You'd just have to become Amish! :)

  5. I somewhat disagree regarding seeing people from an animal's point of view. I didn't think it looked odd at all to see people going about their daily lives, except it was from a roof, which is an unusual physical perspective. Also, I don't really consider animals to have sufficient reasoning capabilities to look at us and see something really foreign. If anything, they would probably consider us to be just another animal, varying as they do.
